
September 20, 2014

Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids

When Nassim Haramein was first looking for clues as to the geometry of the fabric of space-time, many years ago, he turned his attention toward the geometries in ancient culture's architecture and soon discovered the book "Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids" by Peter Tompkins. After many years researching the Mexican pyramids Tompkins concluded that one fundamental concept that was being conveyed by the ancients through their architecture was the relationship between a sphere and a tetrahedron.

If you put a tetrahedron inside a sphere (and it perfectly fits inside), then one point of the tetrahedron will intersect the sphere at one of the poles and the other 3 points will intersect at a very specific latitude: 19.47 degrees (north or south of the equator depending on the orientation). When a sphere is bisected at 19.47 degrees, it divides the area of the sphere in an exact 1/3 to 2/3 ratio.

September 05, 2014



A new peer-reviewed scientific study challenges a common argument for the Darwinian theory of evolution by showing that so-called “redundant” units in the human genome actually have highly specialized functions.

Casey Luskin, an attorney with graduate degrees in both science and law, explained in a report published at Evolution News and Views that evolutionists have generally assumed that synonymous codons – a sequence of three consecutive nucleotides that is part of the genetic code – are functionally equivalent. A nucleotide is the basic building block of nucleic acids.
Luskin is research coordinator for the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute in Seattle, the leading proponent of the theory of intelligent design.
He explained many scientists assume the codons merely encode the same amino acid.
“Well, think again. The theory of intelligent design predicts that living organisms will be rich in information, and thus it encourages us to seek out new sources of functionally important information in the genome,” he writes.
Luskin said the new paper “fulfills an ID prediction by finding that synonymous codons can lead to different rates of translation that can ultimately impact protein folding and function.”
The study, published by the journal Frontiers in Genetics, was conducted by David D’Onofrio and David Abel.
Luskin points out scientists understand the codons GGU, GGC, GGA and GGG “all encode the amino acid glycine.”
But the new research suggests they don’t all do it identically.
“This means that DNA contains multiple languages or encoded commands occupying the same string of contiguous bases,” he writes. “On the one hand, a string of nucleotide bases encodes amino acids. On the other hand, that same string contains information about the rate at which the ribosome should translate the protein so that it can properly fold into the right shape.”
But there’s more, the research paper reveals.
“The paper calls this ‘translational pausing.’ The ribosome is capable of reading both sets of commands – as they put it, ‘[t]he ribosome can be thought of as an autonomous functional processor of data that it sees at its input.’ To put it another way, the genetic code is ‘multidimensional,’ a code within a code,” he says.
“This multidimensional nature exceeds the complexity of computer codes generated by humans, which lack the kind of redundancy of the genetic code.”
The research found that while codons that process the same amino have been thought to be overlapping, there is evidence the actual processing purposely is slowed or speeded up inside the ribosome.
According to the study: “Redundancy of the codon to amino acid mapping, therefore, is anything but superfluous or degenerate. Redundancy programming allows for simultaneous dual prescriptions of [Translational Pausing] and amino acid assignments without cross-talk. This allows both functions to be coincident and realizable.”
Luskins picked up the explanation.
“They write that the ribosome’s ability to undergo translational pausing ‘reveal[s] the ribosome, among other things, to be not only a machine, but an independent computer-mediated manufacturing system.’ The paper even suggests, ‘Cause-and-effect physical determinism…cannot account for the programming of sequence-dependent biofunction.’”
He explains that intelligent design expects to find “new layers of information in the genome,” and the paper “implicitly challenges some common evolutionary assumptions.”
“The notion that shared synonymous codons are functionally irrelevant has been used to buttress arguments for Darwinian evolution,” he says. “For one thing, some evolutionists claim that phylogenetic signals can be carried by the distribution of synonymous codons since they’re functionally equivalent. This paper suggests otherwise.”
He reasons that if codons that process the same amino “have important functional meaning, then … hundreds of studies that used these methods to infer ‘selection’ during the supposed ‘evolution of genes’ could be wrong.”
“In short, ‘redundant’ codons are not necessarily redundant at all. As the paper puts it: ‘we show why the term “degeneracy” is completely inappropriate. The dual coding functionality of redundancy is anything but ‘degenerate.’ It represents, instead, far more sophistication, layers, and dimensions of formal prescription.’”
Luskin says the researchers’ “conclusion about the high-information capacity of the genetic code is striking: Redundancy in the primary genetic code allows for additional independent codes.”
“Coupled with the appropriate interpreters and algorithmic processors, multiple dimensions of meaning, and function can be instantiated into the same codon string,” he writes
Luskin notes that William Dembski, in his intelligent design book “No Free Lunch,” says intelligent design “offers one obvious prediction, namely, that nature should be chock-full of specified complexity and therefore should contain numerous pointers to design.”
“This prediction is increasingly being confirmed,” Luskin says.
He says multidimensional codes and new levels of specified complexity “are exactly what [intelligent design] predicts, and they’re exactly what this paper is reporting.”
“It’s this sort of sophisticated, information-rich control that is expected by intelligent design, in contrast to Darwinian biology, which fails to anticipate it.”
Luskin earned an M.S. in Earth Sciences from the University of California-San Diego, where he studied the theory of evolution. He has lectured on intelligent design on university campuses and at conferences across the country.

World-first experiment achieves direct brain-to-brain communication in human subjects

World-first experiment achieves direct brain-to-brain communication in human subjects
For the first time, an international team of neuroscientists has transmitted a message from the brain of one person in India to the brains of three people in France. 
Image: Andrea Danti/Shutterstock
The team, which includes researchers from Harvard Medical School’s Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, the Starlab Barcelona in Spain, and Axilum Robotics in France, has announced today the successful transmission of a brain-to-brain message over a distance of 8,000 kilometres. 
"We wanted to find out if one could communicate directly between two people by reading out the brain activity from one person and injecting brain activity into the second person, and do so across great physical distances by leveraging existing communication pathways,” said one of the team, Harvard’s Alvaro Pascual-Leone in a press release. "One such pathway is, of course, the Internet, so our question became, 'Could we develop an experiment that would bypass the talking or typing part of internet and establish direct brain-to-brain communication between subjects located far away from each other in India and France?'"
The team achieved this world-first feat by fitting out one of their participants - known as the emitter - with a device called an electrode-based brain-computer (BCI). This device, which sits over the participant’s head, can interpret the electrical currents in the participant’s brain and translate them into a binary code called Bacon's cipher. This type of code is similar to what computers use, but more compact. 
"The emitter now has to enter that binary string into the laptop using her thoughts,” says Francie Diep at Popular Science. "She does this by using her thoughts to move the white circle on-screen to different corners of the screen. (Upper right corner for "1," bottom right corner for "0.") This part of the process takes advantage of technology that several labs have developed, to allow people with paralysis to control computer cursors or robot arms."
Once uploaded, this code is then transmitted via the Internet to another participant - called the receiver - who was also fitted with a device, this time a computer-brain interface (CBI). This device emits electrical pulses, directed by a robotic arm, through the receiver’s head, which make them ‘see’ flashes of light called phosphenes that don’t actually exist. 
"As soon as the receivers' machine gets the emitter's binary message over the Internet, the machine gets to work,” says Diep. "It moves its robotic arm around, sending phosphenes to the receivers at different positions on their skulls. Flashes appearing in one position correspond to 1s in the emitter's message, while flashes appearing in another position correspond to 0s.
Exactly how the receivers are recording the flashes so they can translate all those 0s and 1s isn’t clear, but it could be as simple and writing them down with an actual pen and paper.
While it’s not clear at this stage what the applications for this technology could be, it’s a pretty incredible achievement. Oh, and the messages they transmitted? The conveniently brief and friendly, “Hola” and “Ciao”. 

Battery-less pacemaker is powered by heartbeats

Battery-less pacemaker is powered by heartbeats
Scientists in Switzerland have developed a new pacemaker that doesn't need batteries - it's powered entirely by the motion of the patient's own heart.
Image: ESC
What’s better than a cardiac pacemaker? A cardiac pacemaker that never runs out of batteries. Because when that happens, the patient is going to have to go through surgery to get a replacement. 
So to alleviate the stress and cost of having to constantly physically replace a pacemaker, researchers from the University of Bern in Switzerland have developed a pacemaker that works like a mechanical wristwatch and draws all its power from the beating of the patient’s heart. 
According to Ben Coxworth at Gizmag, lead researcher and cardiologist, Rolf Vogel, first came up with the idea for a new pacemaker four years ago, and has since produced a prototype that’s based on the mechanism of an auto-winding wristwatch. Also known as a self-winding wristwatch, these nifty little devices are powered by the natural motion of the wearer’s arm, which winds the mainspring right up to capacity, and then allows it to unwind slowly, powering the rest of the watch like a tiny generator.
"In the case of the Bern device, it’s sutured onto the heart’s myocardial muscle instead of being worn on the wrist, and its spring is wound by heart contractions instead of arm movements,” says Coxworth. "When that spring unwinds, the resulting energy is buffered in a capacitor. That capacitor then powers a pacemaker, to which it is electrically wired.”
Presenting their device at the 2014 European Society of Cardiology Congress last week, the team said the system can so far produce 52 microwatts of power when attached to the heart of a live 60-kilogram pig, which is well above the requirements for a human pacemaker - about 10 microwatts.
Before they send it out to market, the team are now working on making their device smaller and more efficient in both its energy-harvesting and heart-motion-detecting capacities.

Our Place in the Universe: Welcome to Laniakea

Our Place in the Universe: Welcome to Laniakea

For the first time, scientists have figured out where our Milky Way galaxy sits in relation to the 100,000 other galaxies within our newly discovered home supercluster, called Laniakea.
Our entire universe can be thought of as an enormous network of galaxies that looks sort of like a cosmic web - with dark, empty areas called voids, where there are no galaxies, and areas called superclusters, which contain thousands and thousands of densely packed galaxies.Superclusters are the biggest structures in the universe, but until now, scientists had no idea how to tell where one begins and also where it ends. 
Now, astronomers from the University of Hawaii in the US have discovered a new supercluster, which also happens to be our home supercluster, because in the outer edges sits our very own Milky Way. The team, led by astronomer Brent Tully, named the supercluster Laniakea, which means ‘immeasurable heaven’ in Hawaiian, and produced a 'map’ showing the Milky Way's position within it, along with 100,000 neighbouring galaxies.
The discovery of Laniakea was made possible when Tully's team decided to study the movements and positions of 8,000 galaxies nearby Earth in unprecedented detail. In doing so, they discovered thousands more galaxies, and were able to figure out which ones are being pulled towards and away from us. From this information, they produced a new animated map which shows the incredible network of thousands of galaxies, and their various cosmic flows, within the supercluster Laniakea. And it looks absolutely stunning.

Tiny crustaceans foil fish with fireworks

  Tiny crustaceans foil fish with fireworks
Why do these fish look like they’re spouting puffs of magic dust out of their mouths? Two words: defence mechanism. And not for the fish.
Image: BBC, Super Senses
These little translucent fish belong to the cardinalfish family (Apogonidae), found all over the world in tropical or subtropical waters. Like most fish, they’re wired to eat anything that’s smaller than them, which means when a tiny, 1 millimetre-long crustacean called an ostracod, floats past, they’re likely to become a cardinalfish meal.
Except that ostracods have an awesome defence mechanism that stands between them and the stomach of a cardinalfish. Seen on a new BBC documentary called Super Senses, when an ostracod is pulled into the mouth of a cardinalfish, it will immediately release a brilliant bioluminescent chemical that lights up the fish from the inside. This means the fish is now exposed and vulnerable to predation itself, so it spits out the ostracod light source and scurries off

Australian researchers have found that an office with plants can make staff happier and boost productivity by 15 percent.

Office plants significantly raise productivity
Australian researchers have found that an office with plants can make staff happier and boost productivity by 15 percent.
Image: Lexa_1112/Shutterstock
For the first time, scientists have assessed the long-term impacts of plants in an office environment. Led by Alex Haslam from the University of Queensland’s School of Psychology, the study investigated how the presence of plants in an office contributed to the satisfaction and quality of life of the staff who worked there. 
What they found was that plants helped the staff to be more physically, mentally and emotionally engaged in their work. “It appears that in part this is because a green office communicates to employees that their employer cares about them and their welfare,” Haslam said in a press release. “Employees from previously lean office environments experienced increased levels of happiness, resulting in a more effective workplace.”
As part of the study, the team looked at the impact of a ‘lean’ - in other words, not decorated - versus ‘green’ office space on staff in two large commercial offices in the UK and the Netherlands. The productivity levels of the staff were monitored over a two-month period, and they were surveyed about what they thought of the office's air quality, as well as their own concentration levels and workplace satisfaction.
“Employees were more satisfied with their workplace and reported increased concentration levels and better perceived air quality in an office with plants,” Haslam said. “The findings suggest that investing in landscaping an office will pay off through an increase in office workers’ quality of life and productivity.”
He also added that it challenges the notion that some people might have that a lean, undecorated office is a more productive one. “Modern offices and desks have been stripped back to create sparse spaces - our findings question this widespread theory that less is more – sometimes less is just less,” he said.