
December 18, 2014




Feeling Restless? You are not alone.Everyone is starting to look for more meaning in life. Start paying attention to those seemingly “chance coincidences”, those strange occurrences that feel like they were meant to happen.  These are actually synchronistic events, and following them will lead you on your path to spiritual truth.
2. Observe culture within it’s proper historical context. A large part of the past millennium was spent under the rule of the church, and a lot of information has been skewed, changed, or forgotten. Part of the reason why they want the world to be only 6,000 years old is because the written text from before 6,000 years makes their stories seem ridiculous. Looking at all of our reference material for our planets history and the stories of mankind (such as this one) may guide us to knowing our ultimate purpose.human-consciousness13. Connect with the energy of everything all around you. All matter has an equal balance of energy on the other side of the singularity. This is all the way from aura’s to emotions to thoughts. We can learn to see aura’s around any living thing, and we can lend our own energy to give strength to others.
4. Underneath all conflicts lies a competition for energy. By dominating and manipulating others, we get the extra energy that we think we need, which fuels a push-pull vibrational battle which is un-winnable at its core. Both parties are damaged in their core, and are further removed from each other. This insight is all about recognizing that conflict, in order to shift it.
5. The key to overcoming conflict in the world is the experience of tuning in on an energetic level. This means connecting mentally and emotionally with those that you’re conflicting with, and tune in to love in order to create a balance of energy between the two of you.
6. From the moment we are born we are programmed into the ways of the world, and those programs (which include childhood traumas) often dictate our ability to connect on that energetic level. There are 4 basic “Control Drama’s” that we show.cords2
  • Intimidators steal energy from others by threat.
  • Interrogators steal it by judging and questioning.
  • Aloof people attract attention (and energy) to themselves by playing coy.
  • Poor me’s make us feel guilty and responsible for them.
Practice becoming aware of the dynamics of your family and friends growing up that created the variety of control drama’s that you have.nature-nurture-87463530260_xlarge
7. Overcoming your drama’s happen through the active presence of awareness.By shifting your awareness into the moment, your breath, and the stories of your dramas, you can rewrite these programs and ride a wave of synchronicities, dreams, and intuitions.
8. That evolution can’t be done alone. Learn and practice to create direct currents of energy between people, and tune in on what they are feeling and projecting. Often, you might even find that you are both feeling love, and both feeling afraid to show it. By making eye contact, you can tune in on a level much deeper than anything you’ve experienced before.energysmall
9. Our purpose is to evolve beyond this plane. We will continue to evolve mentally and spiritually to get to a place where we our technology can do most of the work for us, and we will be so connected with each other that all of us can operate as tuned in as cells are to each other in a human body. We then in essence become the Creator’s that we truly are, everyone can be, do, and have everything that they want, and together we can create an incredible world for all of us. A world that is inter-dimensional, whole, and complete.

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