
January 19, 2015

These 7 Things Happen To You When You Die

These 7 Things Happen To You When You Die

By Steven Bancarz| What happens to us when we die? Where does our soul go?  Chances are, if you were brought up in a religious background you believe that there are only 2 places you can go: Heaven and Hell.  If you are a good person and believe the right things, you spend eternity in Heaven. If you are a sinful person, you spend an eternity in hell.  Thankfully, this is a false dichotomy.
On top of the fact that it doesn’t even make sense to think about only 2 options (both of which are eternal), there has been a lot of scientific investigation into what happens when people leave their bodies when it dies and then return after experiencing time in the spirit world. Thousands of near-death experiences have given us the information we need to form a more accurate picture of what awaits us on the other side.  Some do report hellish realms, and almost all report heavenly realms, but there is another side of the coin here that needs to be addressed.

Dr. Michael Newton is a psychologist who specialized in hypnotherapy, where he would put people into hypnosis to bring out any past traumas they experienced in their lives and walk them through the memories into healing.  He soon discovered that he was able to bring people back so far into their memories that they were remembering things that weren’t even taking place in this life anymore.  They were taking place in between lives!

In his books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls (which together have sold over half a million copies) he shares case studies that he has gathered over the course of four decades of bringing people back into the memories of their souls journey.  Surprisingly, they all said the exact same things, and coincided very nicely with a lot of the NDE accounts that have occurred.  Here are 7 things which these two fields of study have strongly suggested happen to us when we die:

1) Life Flash

An extremely common phenomenon within people who are dying is that they see their entire life flash before their eyes.  The brain snaps into hyper-speed mode and starts revisiting your memory databank before your soul separates from your body.

2) You Can See Your Body

Many people will see their physical body right as they exit it at the moment that consciousness disconnects from the physical body.  You will be able to see your surroundings and the things that are happening around your dead body.  This will not scare you however, because it will feel as natural as anything.  Some people report feeling frustrated or angry over the way they died and wishing that they could go back into their body to seek revenge, but this feeling passes with time as you begin to fall into the Light.

3) The Light

People always report seeing a light when they die.  The light appears off in the distance, and you will slowly be pulled towards it, almost as if you are being pulled by a magnet.  The light is always accompanied by a sense of love and peace.  This is your transition phase back to your home in the spirit world.

4) Seeing Dead Relatives

Right when you enter into the spirit world after being pulled through the light, you are greeted by loved ones who are there to embrace you and comfort you.  It’s sort of like a reunion.  These are not necessarily your relatives from your current earth life.  They may be family members of yours from previous lives who have been with you throughout your whole souls evolution.  Essentially, you have family members you don’t currently know about from a totally different bloodline who will greet you as you enter the spirit world.  You will, of course, remember their names and recognize their faces upon return.
It’s important to note here that the souls will take on the image they had in physical form to create a sense of home and familiarity for you.  Souls don’t look like they did on earth necessary.  The body is just a body. The soul is formless, but can take various shapes to serve different purposes.  It is said that advanced souls who have lived many lives don’t necessarily have relatives that greet them, because they understand what the spirit world is about and have been through many times before.  It is said in the books that advanced souls sometimes skip this step because it is not needed for them.

5) Guardian Angels/Spirit Guides

You have your own assigned guardian angel, or ‘spirit guide’ depending on which term you like to use better.  Whatever you wish to call them, you will encounter your guide in the spirit world and they will comfort you and make you feel at home.  But, this is also the time where the fun and games are over.  After you experience some of the heavenly realms, duty begins to call.  Your guide has been with you and watching you throughout your life, and wants to go over some things with you.  It’s time to take out your report card from the life you just lived:

6) Life Review

You meet with your angels/guides and go over everything that happened in your life.  People report seeing their entire life as a sort of movie film in front of their eyes or on the pages of a book.  You may have to see some things that make you feel ashamed and like you failed, but this is not a time of judgment.  This is a time of review, and discussion about what needs to be improved upon as a soul.  After you see your whole life, you may come to an agreement with your guides to come back to Earth to work on things after a certain period of time in the spirit world.

 7) You Don’t Want To Return

You feel such an overwhelming amount of peace and love that you don’t want to return.  You don’t have to worry about illness or earthly tasks.  You are boundless, safe, and free.  No stress, no pain, and no suffering.
But remember, reincarnation may await you.  You may either volunteer to come back to help other souls on earth, you may NEED to come back to alleviate Karma, or you may choose to come back to evolve more as a soul and experience the richness of life.
Keep in mind, these are what thousands of people have been saying about their memories/experiences of the afterlife, and these conclusions are being drawn from forty years of professional work.  I personally confidently believe in the reality of such a process, as I think it makes the most sense and is well supported by evidence.
That being said, there are people who report going to realms which resemble Hell where they see demons and other nasty things.  We can’t turn a blind eye to the reality of dark realms just because they may scare us.  Although Dr. Newton did not report any such findings, many people who have had NDEs have had very frightening experiences which had deterred them away from bad behaviour and inspired them to live better lives.
The main thing to take away from this, is that you are taken care of.  You are infinitely loved and will be looked after.  There is no death, only transition. You WILL get to reunite with the souls of loved ones, and you will experience magical realms. Peace, love, and serenity awaits. But so does accountability.  The destiny of your soul is related to your behaviour as a human being in this life.  That will be good news to some, and for others may inspire the desire to improve themselves.  Either way, we should be asking ourselves the following questions:

This device could let deaf people “hear” via their tongues

This device could let deaf people “hear” via their tongues

A surgery-free alternative to cochlear implants could help more deaf people to hear than ever before.Researchers from the US have developed an electric mouthpiece that can transmit sounds to people with hearing impairments through vibrations on their tongues. And it promises to be cheaper, less invasive and more widely effective than the bionic ear.
The device uses a Bluetooth-enabled earpiece to pick up sounds, and then converts those sounds into electrical impulses that are delivered in a distinct vibration pattern to an electrode-filled retainer that the users push their tongue up against to "hear".
This is similar to how a cochlear implant, or bionic ear, works, but it doesn't require surgery - with the cochlear implant, electrodes need to be placed onto the patient's cochlear, where they stimulate the auditory nerve with electrical impulses. The new mouthpiece also doesn't require a patient's auditory nerve to be functional, so it will be useable by a whole lot more people with hearing impairments.“It’s much simpler than undergoing surgery and we think it will be a lot less expensive than cochlear implants,” said John Williams, a mechanical engineer from Colorado State University, who co-led the project, in a press release.
“Cochlear implants are very effective and have transformed many lives, but not everyone is a candidate. We think our device will be just as effective but will work for many more people and cost less.”
tongue-stimulating-retainerColorado State University
With training, people with cochlear implants learn to convert the electrical impulses that their auditory nerve receives into sound information. And Williams' team believe that we can do the same thing with our tongues.
Our tongues contain thousands of nerves, and the region of the brain that receives those signals has already proved to be capable of decoding extremely complex information. This means that people can, in theory, be taught to translate vibrations on their tongue into words - effectively allowing them to hear.
What users feel when they push their tongue up against the retainer is just a tingling or vibrating sensation. But their brains can be taught to work out the specific pattern of electrical impulses and translate that into words.
As Mike Hooker, Director of Public Affairs and Communications at Colorado State University, explains in the video below, this is different to teaching a person to read Braille, they wouldn't be feeling the vibrations and then thinking about what word they translate to - their brains would actually learn to do it automatically. Their mouths could seriously learn to hear.
Williams believes that you'd need to wear the mouthpiece, which wouldn't be visible from the outside, for at least two to three weeks, and maybe even up to three months, in order to teach your brain to interpret these signals automatically. 
The team is now working with neuroscientists to map the receptors on the tongue and work out which pattern of electrodes on the device will work best. This will give them important information on how consistent people's tongues are - if, generally, all tongues feel electronic impulses in the same regions, then it means they can create one standard device. Otherwise, they may need to tailor each device to the user, which would make things trickier and more expensive.
Unfortunately, it will take a while before the technology can be used by the public, but the team has already started building and testing prototypes (some of which you can see above), and launched a start-up to build the device once the technology is ready.
If all goes to plan, they hope to open up the world of sound to a whole new audience. After all, why should ears get all the fun?

Elon Musk wants to build space Internet that would one day service Mars

Elon Musk wants to build space Internet that would one day service Mars
The CEO of Tesla and SpaceX has announced a new US$10 billion plan to beam Internet from space.
Here’s news that makes the prospect of moving to Mars in the distant future far less scary - by the time we get there, it may already have Internet access.
Elon Musk has announced plans to build a network of space-based Internet-beaming satellites, and he believes they’ll form the basis for a connection on Mars, as he told Ashlee Vance from Bloomberg Businessweek.
The idea behind the ambitious project is that having a network of communication satellites orbiting Earth would make Internet connections cheaper, faster and also more accessible to those in even the most remote regions.In his plan, hundreds of satellites would orbit Earth from a distance of around 1,200 kilometres - which is far lower than the communication satellites we currently use. But they would still be able to transfer data much faster than ground-based cables.
“In Musk’s vision, Internet data packets going from, say, Los Angeles to Johannesburg would no longer have to go through dozens of routers and terrestrial networks. Instead, the packets would go to space, bouncing from satellite to satellite until they reach the one nearest their destination, then return to an antenna on Earth.”
He’s not the only one with the goal of bringing Internet to the two-thirds of the world who still aren’t connected - Facebook and Google both have their own impressive projects in the pipelines.
But Musk - the man who has designed a train that takes you from New York to China in two hours - is the only one who’s taking the Internet to outside Earth’s atmosphere.
"The speed of light is 40 percent faster in the vacuum of space than it is for fibre,”Musk told Vance
And, conveniently, by having the satellites in space, he’ll be ready to service Mars by the time humans get there - something that NASA has already announced it hopes to achieve by 2018.
"It will be important for Mars to have a global communications network as well," he explains in the interview. "I think this needs to be done, and I don’t see anyone else doing it,” Musk told Vance.
The ambitious project would cost around US$10 billion, and five years to get started, but SpaceX is already getting started on building the satellites and rockets to set up the system.
The only potential issue is the fact that a company called OneWeb has already announced its plans to do a similar thing, which means that effectively the race for space Internet has now begun.
The competition isn’t necessarily a bad thing though - imagine how much better being a first settler on the Red Planet would be if you could use Facebook. And if it's at a competitive rate? Even better.
And while you’re getting excited about our future of space exploration, here’s everything that society needs to make it to Mars in one handy infographic.

World's first visible lump of plutonium rediscovered in waste storage

World's first visible lump of plutonium rediscovered in waste storage
Extracted by Manhattan Project researchers back in the 1940s, this is the first piece of plutonium ever seen by human eyes, and it's just been saved from a university waste repository.
When America's ‘Fat Man’ atomic bomb was dropped onto Nagasaki in Japan in 1945, wounding more than 60,000 people, it contained just over 6 kilograms of pure plutonium. The discovery of this incredibly devastating radioactive metal has been traced to a lab at the University of California, Berkeley in the US, where Manhattan Project researchers managed to extract the world’s first barely visible sample.
It was in 1941 that trace amounts of plutonium were first chemically separated from a sample of uranium by scientists Glenn Seaborg, Arthur Wahl and Joseph Kennedy. Previously known as ‘element 94’, the team officially named their newly extracted element, and over the next 18 months, performed a whole bunch of experiments on the trace amounts to get an idea of its chemical and nuclear properties. 
But soon enough, these minuscule traces were not enough, and Seaborg’s team set out to produce the world’s first chunk of pure plutonium. They didn’t need much - the size of a pin-head would do - and they figured out how to make enough by first producing neutrons by smashing samples of the element beryllium with accelerateddeuteron particles. These neutrons were then used to irradiate several kilograms of uranium inside a type of particle accelerator called a cyclotron, and the result of the decay was a sample of plutonium weighing around 2.77 micrograms (µg). That’s about three millionths of a gram.
On 10 September 1942, Seaborg’s team announced that they had produced the world’s first sample of pure plutonium. “They could actually see it,” UC Berkeley nuclear engineer Eric Norman told Andy Extance at Scientific American, who was recently tasked with authenticating it. “No one had ever seen plutonium before.”
Seaborg would go on to win the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1951 for the discovery of plutonium and several other transuranium elements, and once his team was done with the sample, they sealed it inside a glass tube inside a clear plastic box. 
From 1979 onwards, the plutonium chunk was displayed in the science faculty at UC Berkeley, until the late 2000s when concerns about radiation safety and financial cut-backs saw it removed. In 2008, a box labelled “First sample of Pu weighed. 2.7 µg” was found in the university’s Hazardous Material Facility and flagged as something that possibly shouldn’t be processed as radioactive waste by UC Berkeley health physicist, Phil Broughton.
Broughton delivered the mysterious box to Norman and his colleagues that year, who were suddenly faced with the task of authenticating the long-forgotten piece of Manhattan Project plutonium - the first piece of plutonium ever viewed by human eyes - so the Smithsonian Institution Museum in Washington, DC could take it on. “This is the equivalent to the original Moon rock,” Norman told Extance, except their were no records left to prove it.
So how do you prove a sample’s authenticity without risking its destruction? It took six years for Norman to get a team from the university's Department of Nuclear Engineering together to figure this out, and they decided that whatever they did, they were not opening the box. So they had to do all their tests externally by reading the gamma rays and X-rays it would be expected to emit as part of the process of decaying to uranium.
“[The box] was placed approximately 6.3 mm away from the front face of a 36-mm diameter by 13-mm thick planar germanium detector,” they describe in their paper, pre-published online at "This detector is equipped with a thin beryllium window allowing detection of low-energy gamma rays and X-rays. The detector was shielded with 1.27 cm of copper and 5 to 10 cm of lead. The box was counted for 21.2 hours. The box was then removed and a background spectrum was collected for 21.3 hours.”
"It turns out that plutonium created in a cyclotron is very different from most plutonium, which is created inside nuclear reactors and then separated from spent nuclear fuel," the Physics Arxiv Blog explains. "That's because this stuff always contains another isotope, plutonium-241. This is a half-life of just over 14 years and decays into americium-241. So samples of plutonium from nuclear reactors, always contain americium-241 in amounts that grow over time. What's more, Am-241 in turn decays producing gamma rays with an energy of 59 kiloelectron volts."
Now, before you panic, the sample, though radioactive, is perfectly safe to be around. And while its discovery led to the development of a bomb that would devastate the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, we can't deny that, like the Moon rock, it's literally a piece of human history.
plutonium-sciencealertEric B. Norman et. a



skydiving-in-ohio1Can the human mind ever truly know God? Let’s put that question aside for a moment and focus upon another closely related one, can we ever truly know another person? Let’s say you met Frank yesterday, Frank had long hair, a wife, and he mentioned he was afraid of heights. You take in all these things and create a mental image of Frank, now you know him. The problem is, earlier today Frank got a haircut, a divorce, and he overcame his fear of heights during a skydiving trip. He had quite a busy morning, but this all happened without you knowing, and your mental image of Frank remains the same. What you think you know about Frank, quite frankly, has nothing to do with him anymore. This is one of the issues with knowledge, it’s inherently limited and based in the past. You can’t know everything that’s happening in every moment, and you can’t know everything that’s going on in another person’s inner world. Most people have enough trouble keeping track of everything going on in their own inner world.
48192-People-Change-Memories-DontPeople change, they’re dynamic living beings, very difficult to know with any certainty, and yet people believe they can know God with certainty? A truly noble quest! For those who choose it, I wish you luck, but in the interest of saving you some trouble I’m going to say right now it’s ultimately futile. God is the Eternal Mystery, the Unknowable, the “I Am”, not the “I known”. There’s belief systems that have spent thousands of years attempting to know God, and they’re no closer now than when they began. A few even seem to be further away, the belief systems grow more and more complicated, and instead of finding any clarity they just create more confusion.
41188240001_3364844189001_bildeThe Universe is a wonder, there’s more happening that you can ever know, and that’s perfectly okay, just accept it. The scientific mindset, especially in the West, is that we need to figure everything out, to solve every mystery. The idea that God is a mystery that can’t be solved is unacceptable, and this is why atheism is so popular among scientists. They want to believe that every mystery can be solved through science, that it will pick up where religion failed and provide all the answers we’re looking for. Yet for all the scientific advances, the core workings of the Universe still remain a mystery. For every question that’s answered, ten more questions pop up. Science keeps pointing to a Universe that’s more complex than we can even imagine. This shouldn’t disappoint scientists at all, in fact they ought to be happy about it as it means they’ll never be out of work to do.
skywatchingSo if we can’t truly know God, what do we do now, is the search for God futile? Absolutely! The problem with searching for God is that you assume God is lost and you need to go find God. God’s not lost, you are. When you find yourself again, you get God as a bonus prize, because you were never really separate to begin with. Searching for God is like a fish in the ocean searching for water, it begins with faulty assumptions and flawed knowledge. Empty your cup, then you’ll have another chance to fill yourself up with your own Divine Presence. How do you know that all your knowledge is true anyway? It’s most certainly not, and enormous amounts of what you know to be “true” was simply accepted unconsciously. Question every bit of it.
Be-PresentNow I’m not saying knowledge is a bad thing, there’s nothing wrong with knowledge. I just don’t recommend being so damned attached to it, or believing that you can reach that which is Unlimited through an inherently limited mind. If you’re focusing upon mental knowledge, it makes things all the more difficult to simply Be Present. You can try to know everything there is to know about trees, yet not see the amazing and unique work of art each tree truly is. Life is not something you need to figure out, this is why it’s repeatedly said to get out of your mind and into your heart. Truly live your life and you will start to rediscover the magic and wonder that’s always been there.

A 20-minute walk every day could save your life

Study: A 20-minute walk every day could save your life
Walking briskly for 20 minutes every single day could help you live longer, new research suggests.

A lack of exercise may be twice as likely to lead you to an early death than being obese, a new study by University of Cambridge scientists suggests.
The researched looked at 334,161 Europeans with an average age of 50, and found that those who engaged in a little bit of exercise - even just a brisk 20-minute-walk daily - were 16 to 30 percent less likely to die prematurely than people who were sedentary.
This small amount of activity had the biggest life-boosting benefit on people who were a healthy weight, but even those who were obese lived longer if they were walking daily.
“This is a simple message: just a small amount of physical activity each day could have substantial health benefits for people who are physically inactive,” said Ulf Ekelund, who led the study, in a press release.
According to the most recently available data, the researchers calculate that this means that out of the 9.2 million European deaths each year, around 676,000 could be attributed to being physically inactive. Around half of that, 337,000, could be attributed to obesity.
The study also showed that waist circumference had a similar impact on early death to exercise levels.
To work out what was linked to people dying prematurely, the study measured the height, weight, exercise level and waist circumference of the 334,161 participants between 1992 and 2000. They then followed up with each participant over the next 12 years. During that time, 21,438 of their volunteers had died.
The one thing that the majority of those who were still alive in common? They weren’t completely inactive (surprisingly, almost a quarter of the participants were - they admitted to having sedentary jobs and then doing no exercise in their free time). 
Even when taking into account how much alcohol each person drank, whether they smoked, their age, sex and education level, the research showed that just burning between 90 and 110 calories a day, which can be achieved by a quick 20-minute walk, reduced the chance of dying from any cause.
The results have now been published in an open access paper in the American Journal of Clinical Exercise.
Of course, even though 20 minutes is useful, the researchers still believe that people should be doing much more to receive further health benefits. But this basic level does provide a very simple message - walking each day can help save your life, even more so than losing weight.
“Helping people to lose weight can be a real challenge,” said Nick Wareham the director of the Cambridge Medical Research Council, which ran the study, in a release. “And whilst we should continue to aim at reducing population levels of obesity, public health interventions that encourage people to make small but achievable changes in physical activity can have significant health benefits and may be easier to achieve and maintain.”




In this TEDtalk, Lissa Rankin explores the spiritual and scientific implications that the placebo effect has over us. She discusses how our thoughts powerfully affect our physiology when we believe we can get well.

The placebo effect is concrete evidence that the body has its own innate self repair system.
A study was conducted with 3500 participants who had all been diagnosed with an incurable disease like cancer, HIV, various heart diseases, etc. Through the placebo effect, everyone’s illness had all disappeared without treatment.
Lissa goes on to talk about a specific case about a man named Mr. Wright, who had been given drugs that he truly believed would cure his cancer. Within days his tumors shrunk to half their size!
After a report was released stating the drug didn’t actually work, Mr. Wright’s cancer came back. His doctor sneakily told him that he had a higher quality version of the drug, and injected Mr. Wright with nothing more than water. Again, his tumors went away because he believed they would.
In this TEDtalk, Lissa describes some of the countless occurrences with measurable proof where people actually cure themselves. They grow back hair, heal their ulcers, shrink tumors, and diminish all signs of sickness! Even though this healing is initiated by the mind,  the body really reacts.

January 16, 2015




These sites go through the symbolic meaning of different objects, people or events and suggests what it could represent. This site in particular has so many random descriptions for things that are in any dream like ‘sky’ or ‘chair’.
A good one is:
To see or eat a bagel in your dream suggests that there is a key element missing from your life. You are not completely whole. Alternatively, it refers to sexual urges.
Makes perfect sense…
Let’s take into account that when we dream we merge our consciousness with what we call ‘the astral dimension’. If we were to fully align our energy with that plane of existence, it would appear as physical and ‘real’ as here. There, many different forms of consciousness can interact with us without our knowing.
We naturally seek externally from ourselves for information, but as we’re reminded time and time again, it’s all within us.dream-facts-015
There are endless representations in our collective consciousness that are associated with objects which translate into our dreams. The classic ‘forgetting to wear your pants to school’ dream is the representation of embarrassment, but the importance lies within where that embarrassed feeling stems from.
That is why no dream decoding site can truly figure out anyones dream. We both consciously and subconsciously choose what a symbol represents in our lives. The entirety of our subconscious is impossible to access as we’ve chosen to have our brains designed that way.
A good way to decode what a certain item or event means, is to bring yourself back to that moment in the dream. Focus on the feeling it created within you.
Follow that feeling, keep thinking about it and see if you can connect any memories to it. It can come as flash of an image or a scene in your minds eye. It might seem abstract or not related but it presented itself for a reason, which only you know and no website or other person can make the connection for you.
A lot of dreams are quite literal as well. If you watched a scary movie or manifested reasons to be afraid in your life, that can translate right into a dream.
Running away from something can be a symbol for multiple things but the start of the decoding process is recognizing that kind of dream is stemming from an afraid feeling.
Sit with that feeling and embrace it, the more resistance there is, the farther we distance ourselves from it. If something comes to mind, it’s important not to dismiss it, even if it seems to not fit. Don’t doubt the answers that surface.josephine-wall-oil-painting-569-4
Something I dream about a lot is being reluctant to go in an elevator and choosing to take stairs – until I realize I’m on like the 183rd floor and need to take one. Half the time they break and fall and it feels so horribly real.
I have no problem with going in elevators, they never made me nervous unless people jumped while in them.
It seems to come up as a subconscious fear, perhaps of the few times I did feel a little unsafe in them.
The feeling that comes with it can also translate into a feeling of insecurity and a lack of control in my reality. It’s all very literal.
Something else that used to be a reoccurring theme in my dreams was me starting university a few days late and there being homework and stress piling up.
As soon as I shifted my life into working with Spirit Science, that university dream would end with me realizing I don’t need to go to school and telling all my friends to stop going and change the world, ha!
A lot of my dreams are socially based and have me interacting with people I went to school with years ago. No matter the specific situation, all those dreams translate into my desire to communicate with people and shift their perception.
Dreams are both very literal and very much based off our emotional states. Taking the time to delve into yourself to uncover and retrieve the information is crucial in understanding the type of dreams you experience.
So, essentially, the mysterious process of figuring out what your dreams mean is sitting with the feeling it left within you. It’s very simple but the whole idea gets clouded with external information suggesting what a bagel means in your dream. Trust yourself, only you know the answers!